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Durable Medical Equipment (DME)


Durable Medical Equipment is a device that helps you complete your daily activities. DME can increase safety while reducing the need for caregiver help for people with disabilities. It can significantly improve a person’s overall quality of life by boosting their functional mobility and daily living activities. 


Here in HCP, we offer a large-scale variety of medical equipment and supplies. Our medical equipment may include, but is not limited to:


  • Equipment to assist walking such as canes and walkers
  • Bathroom equipment such as benches
  • Orthopedic supplies such as back support belts and compression stockings
  • Nebulizers and many more


If you are in need of any medical equipment or supplies or if you have questions about our medical equipment, ask a staff member today. Our staff will be happy to help you get what you need. We accept Medicare and other insurance providers as well.